
Theraputic Influence of Indian Raga Music on Feeling (Mind)

From the chapter the feelings of pleasure or pain relative to musical notes we can arrive at certain conclusions such as:

  1. The notes S (sadja) and P (panchama) are agreeable.
  2. The notes R1 (Suddha Rishaba) and G1 (Komal Gandhara) are disagreeable in relation to S.
  3. The notes R2 (Chatusrati Rishaba), G2 (Anthara Gandhara) and M1 (Suddha Madhyama) are free from disagreeabillity in relation to S.
  4. The M2 (Prathi Madhyama) is painful in relation to S

It is also felt that the feeling aroused by P (Panchama) is a reflection of that of S (Sadja). Similarly, D is the reflection of R2, and N2 is the reflection of G2. Since a Raga is the combination of notes in different proportions, the emotions expressed will be the resultant of the different feelings expressed by the combination of the notes used.

This psychological basis is not seen in the use of notes in Western music system. Instead of the composition of single notes in oriental music, triads or chords and groups of notes arranged vertically influence the feelings in Western music. The stimulation of the moods or feelings in Western music is exercised by the association of phrases of agreeable notes in parallel to the phrases of basic melody, or, in other words, Harmony.

Through our experience, we have found that different forms of musical compositions could be made use of in arousing different feelings. Through careful observation it is understood that the process of arousing different feelings is possible due to the stresses on the notes, the time factor (rythm) used in different forms, the pitch of the notes, the distance between the notes, and the ornamental graces used in presentation of the notes.

For example, if we consider a person shouting in anger, we see that he will sound notes placed at long distances. Similarly, if anger is to be expressed emotionally or musically, the melody, composition should be a formation of notes at long distances. According to Indian Raga system, a Raga consisting of notes at longer distances can be used to express their type of emotion. It is also essential that the melody should move faster to express anger. Since the nervous system of a person in this condition is in an excited nature exposing maximum energy, the movement should be of a quick form. Our experience in the field of films or drama is that this form of musical expressions are exhibited by making use of Ragas consisting of Natural (suddha) notes at long distances. There is a sense of spirit or majesty expressed out of these Ragas. Therefore sombre moods such as anger, majesty and even patriotism can be shown by this type of Ragas.

The varieties or different forms of emotion may be aroused due to different situations in the state of mind. To explain this phenomenon (if we consider the feelings in the state of fear, terror and pain), we see that it is a state of tremor or 'Kampitam' that will take place in the mind. The reflex action on the face of a person in this situation will show the expression of 'Kampitam'. In music, 'Kampitam' can be expressed by singing or by a musical instrument. It is the feature of trembling which is exhibited in 'Kampitam'. When a person speaks in a situation of fear or terror he trembles.

The same effect can be shown in musical interpretation. In the interpretation of 'Kampitam' musically, the notes used will have to be accompanied with tremlo effect. This effect is very much used in sequences of background music in films and dramas.

A note in musical composition used to give a special effect is known as a 'Grace note'. 'Kampitam' is a grace of this nature. Similarly, the grace effect which shows the strength, courage or heroism is known as the 'Humpitam'. It is the 'hum-hum' roaring sound of a lion. Notes accompanied with this grace effect of 'Humpitam' will show the mood of strength, vigour, braveness or heroism.

The movement of sound in the situations of tremor, staccato and linum can be shown diagrammatically as follows:

Relation of Music to Feeling
Relation of Regularity and Feeling
Nervous System
The Relation of Will Power, Nerve Power and Emotion (Feeling)
The Feeling of Pleasure or Pain Relative to Musical Notes
Music as Therapy
Human Body and the Voice

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